For those of you who have not heard, Sweet Nie from NieNieDialogues and her Husband were in a plane crash. They are both now recovering in the hospital. Nie was burned over 80% of her body and her husband over 30% of his body.

Nie has been a blessing to many blog readers by sharing her beautiful spirit, smile and by taking us into her very loving home.

So, in an effort to help Nie and her family during this tragic time, I will be donating 20% of my Etsy Sales to the Nie Recovery Fund. "Shipping will also be free." Or you can also make a donation at their website while keeping up on their recovery.

Please Note: If now is not a good time to make a donation, you can still help by keeping Nie, her husband and their 4 children in your prayers during this difficult time.

Thank you to all who help to show love for Nie

As Nie would say Kisses to all......

Lisa :)

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