Lake Mary, AZ

My husband and I took a little trip to Lake Mary, here in Flagstaff, AZ. My Mom and Grandmother joined us on our little fishing adventure.....

When you arrive at Lake Mary you usually stop in at the General Store and stock up on all your fishing needs.....Out front of the store is a cute little garden, tended too by the owners wife.....

The weather at Lake Mary was beautiful....

White poof clouds....

We saw a mom and baby Eagle....They were amazing to watch....

Below are the Gr-mas sitting on a bench, weaving....It was a treat having them join us....

As my husband was fishing , I sat next to him working on one of my projects.....

You can see the Lucy purse that I crochet ....I just love carrying my yarn stash around in it and I have already had two request for one, so it appears that I will be making a couple for Christmas gifts...

Well, upon our second day of camping....

things took a change of pace...and started getting dark....I got the look from my husband....

and it was the "get off the lake look".....and WOW....the lighting started big time.....

And then the hail started....there was tons.....the size of heavy rain....

then more hail.....O, dang....a big puddle started under his tent...

Well, since we were not far from home and the lighting was really bad...we decided to pack up and head for home...

By the time we were back on the road, it looked like it had snowed..:)


Lululiz said...

I spotted the Lucy bag, lol! Aren't they just great? Those were scary looking black clouds, btw, and hail that size can do some real damage.

Carolyn said...

enjoyed looking at your pics Lisa :-D
It looks a lot of fun except the bad weather that is :-)
Take care..

Breanna said...

Love love love the Lucy Bag! Looks like you guys had a good time besides the weather! :)

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